Source Bulk Superfruit
We source the purest, best superfruits directly from organic farms and wild sourced providers worldwide and process into the highest grade raw materials for your formulations. InnoMark eliminates aggregators and middlemen to keep prices low and supply chain quality high. Noni, Goji, Acai and Mangosteen are highly nutritious and delicious health food ingredients. Commodity market pricing, call for a current quote.

Bulk products
Noni, Goji, Acai and Mangosteen
Bulk fruit is sourced from organic farms or wild sourced in its native country and processed into juices, concentrates, purees, chips and powders according to U.S. GMP Standards. Liquids supplied in bottles, drums and totes. Powders in palletized bags, boxes and drums. Contact us for current pricing and availability.

Noni juice
- 2-7 Brix single strength juice
- Certified Organic or Conventional wildsourced
- Custom fermented and aged to fit your specs
- American Pacific or Hawaiian

Noni Powder
- Certified Organic
- Conventional
- For liquid, sticks, tubs or capsules

Noni Juice Concentrate
- 30 Brix 5x strength for maximum nutrtition
- Certified Organic
- Conventional
- Wildsourced

Noni Purée
- Certified Organic
- Conventional
- Wildsourced
- American Pacific or Hawaiian

Mangosteen Purée
- 12 – 15 Brix
- Certified Organic
- Conventional

Mangosteen Peel Powder
- Certified Organic
- Conventional
- Call for current a pricing quote

Goji Purée
- 15 Brix in gallons, drums or totes
- Certified Organic
- Conventional
- Call for current market pricing